The area committee is especially focused on the health of the area and thus on growth and harmony in the A.A. Fellowship. An active committee deals with all kinds of service problems: Is experience being shared among groups? Is the A.A. message getting into hospitals, prisons, jails and rehabilitation centers? Are news media and professionals who deal with suffering alcoholics well informed about A.A.? Are new groups and Loners being visited and helped? If GSRs are lax, if there is lack of harmony in a district, if there are difficulties in Public Information or some other service in the area, a member of the area committee usually knows it and can turn to the full committee for help.
The area committee is typically composed of all DCMs, area officers, and chairs of area service committees. In some areas, past delegates serve on the committee, with or without a vote; in others, only the
outgoing delegate is a committee member, with or without a vote. The decision on the status of past delegates in the area is up to the group conscience of the area assembly.
© Excerpt from The A.A. Service Manuel, p. 35, 2021-2023 Edition.
Reprinted with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
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Montreal (Quebec) H1X 1Z3
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