Area 87 convention


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Area 87 Congress - October 26, 2024.

Mission of the Congressional Committee

The Region 87 Congress Committee is responsible for the annual organization of the Region 87 Congress in all three languages.

Goals of the committee

  1. Carrying the A.A. message and helping the still-suffering alcoholic;
  2. Promote the movement of Alcoholics Anonymous to the general public;
  3. Promote Area 87, its services and its committees;
  4. Foster a sense of belonging to the Alcoholics Anonymous movement; Anonymes ;
  5. Ensure Al-Anon, Alateen and MONQYPAA participation;
  6. Create an opportunity for meetings of sharing and rejoicing for the members of Alcoholics Anonymous and to make known to the public the movement of A.A.


Activities of the Area Convention are made possible thanks to the involvement of responsible members grouped into modules or sub-committees, representatives of the regional service committees and two twin DCMs of Area 87. Its activities and responsibilities are defined in these “Guidelines”.
