Treatment facilities


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The Treatment Facilities Committee of the Area 87 is an aggregation of AA meetings and activities in treatment facilities located in the South western part of Québec and the Greater Montréal Area.

Hospitals, specialized health centres and residences, shelters. etc. are often used by still suffering alcoholics.

« Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when other activities fail. ». — Exerpt from Alcoholics Anonymous, page 89. Reprinted with permission from A.A. World Services, Inc.











Programs and forms

Bridging the gap

If you have a problem with alcohol and are leaving a treatment or detox facility, please fill out this form and you will be contacted by a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. As you know, one of the more ‘‘slippery’’ places in the journey to sobriety is between the door of the facility and the nearest A.A. meeting.

«Bridging the Gap» is a temporary contact program designed to assist you
to make the transition from a treatment or detox facility to A.A.

The purpose of «Bridging the Gap» is to supply you with a temporary contact when you get home from the facility. The way it works is that when you are leaving a facility and want to reach A.A. we will put you in touch with a member who will introduce you to your local Alcoholics Anonymous community.

Would you like to help?

Treatment Facilities include all places where alcoholism is treated. Some examples: hospitals, residential centres, detox centres, rehab centres both public and private, out-patient clinics, shelters, etc.

If you would like to participate in this important Twelve Step work and if you have more than one year of continuous sobriety please fill in the form, and you will be called as needed.


The mandate of the Committee is to carry the AA message in the Treatment Facilities Centres by organizing AA meetings in those places. The Committee also provides free literature to those who need it, thanks to an annual budget allowed by the Area 87 Committee (meetings’ lists and pamphlets first, books and more costly items in a restricted way).

The Committee also sponsors a meeting for deaf people and pays for the services of a French sign language interpreter.

The Committee has also set up a “Bridging the Gap” type of program for Area 87 to temporarily sponsor recovering alcoholics, when they’re released from a treatment facility, in order to bring them to AA meetings. The direct cooperation of concerned DCM’s and GSR’s in the various districts of Area 87, and the cooperation of faithful servants from other Areas as well, if necessary, is critical to the success of this 12th Step activity.

Three AA publications deal directly with the activities of a Treatment Facilities committee : brochures like “AA in Treatment Facilities” and “Bridging the Gap”, and the “AA Guidelines” dealing with Treatment Facilities (service publication).

Our committee in service structure
