Saturday December 10th, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. to around 2:15 p.m.
The meeting will be hybrid
Hello everyone!
Attached is the invitation from the Area 87 Chair and other materials in preparation for the Area Committee hybrid meeting on Saturday, December 10th , 2022, at 9:00 am. If you think you will be there for the meeting and need translation, please make sure you have the Zoom app on your phone or laptop and bring your headphones.
Please remember to send me your reports by Wednesday, December 7th to give the technology committee and interpreters time to prepare. Also, bring photocopies if you are coming to the meeting. We can also make and bring them for you.
In Person
Area Service Office
3920 Rachel Est, Montréal H1X 1Z3
For people who will order lunch, please provide $$ cash.
Meeting ID : 830 5014 8906
Secret code : 1234
One touch on the mobile device
+14388097799,,87628417881# Canada
Hello DCMs, Committee Coordinators and Steering Committee:
You are invited to participate in large numbers in our virtual meeting of the Regional Committee on December 10th.
The meeting is pecifically for Area Committee members (DCMs, Coordinators and their assistants, and members of the Steering Committee), however, G.S.R.s and A.A. members who are curious about and interested in the 12thStep work through our area service structure are welcome to attend. The meeting is, like all service meetings, closed to AA members only.
Your presence is important.
Thank you for serving in Area 87.