Keeping optimism afloat
The other Steps can keep most of us sober and somehow functioning. But Step Eleven can keep us growing, . . .
The language of the heart, p. 240
A sober alcoholic finds it much easier to be optimistic about life. Optimism is the natural result of my finding myself gradually able to make the best, rather than the worst, of each situation. As my physical sobriety continues, I come out of the fog, gain a clearer perspective and am better able to determine what courses of action to take. As vital as physical sobriety is, I can achieve a greater potential for myself by developing an ever-increasing willingness to avail myself of the guidance and direction of a Higher Power. My ability to do so comes from my learning—and practicing—the principles of the A.A. program. The melding of my physical and spiritual sobriety produces the substance of a more positive life.
Copyright © 1990 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved.All Daily reflections