Request for Stories
In response to the 2021 General Service Conference recommendation; the pamphlet “A.A. for
the Black & African American Alcoholic.” be updated, we are seeking stories from Black AA
The revitalization of the pamphlet will not only reflect the deep desire to have an identity rooted
in black culture in Alcoholics Anonymous but is also coupled with the knowledge of
Alcoholism: a spectrum of stories that dispels the stigmatic frequencies to give a collective
perspective of the Black Alcoholic. The intention is to dismantle the barriers and myths by a
broad scope of Black members in Alcoholics Anonymous that are diverse in their experiences.
Suggested topics include the following and are offered as an explorative list for the initial call
for stories:
- Experience, Strength and Hope
- Steps, Traditions, Concepts
- Sponsorship
- AA Service
- Diverse Black Diaspora Backgrounds (nationality residence)
- Black Mental Health
- Safety & Racism Using AA principles
- Diverse Life Circumstances (Economic, Occupation, Sexual Orientation, Age…)
- Black and Indigenous people of color (BIPOC) group experiences.
- Young People in AA/Seniors
- Atheist/Agnostics
- Military
Stories should be 500-800 words, double spaced, in 12 point-font.
Author’s complete name, address, and email address/telephone should be included with your
Please send your story to Deadline for submission is June 30, 2022
Yours In Service,
Paul B.
Area 82 DCM