Internal communications


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Internal Communications

The purpose of the Internal Communications Committee (ICC) is to insure communication between all levels of the Area 87 service structure by disseminating news about the activities of groups and area service committees. To achieve this, the committee relies on three publications: the Area 87-News, the «ÉCHO ECHO ECO», Area service bulletin and the Area service Booklet.

The ICC was created in 1992. Prior to this date, bulletins and news were edited by the Montreal Intergroup secretariat. Follows the list of the successive bulletins published: «AA Bulletin AA» -1956 to 1958; «The Newsletter Le Bulletin de nouvelles» and «The Montreal Newsletter Le Bulletin de Montréal» – 1960 to 1964; «Box 460 Boîte 460» – 1977 to 1988; «Région 87 Area 87» – 1996 to 1999; «L’Éclaireur»- 1999 to 2005 and the current «Écho Echo Eco». Initially, the bulletins mainly contained news from members and groups, information about meetings (group and service), as well as articles on the Steps and recovery. Today, the Echo bulletin specifically addresses Unity and Service issues.

Area Booklet

This Area service booklet is intended as an information tool, to make your task easier by answering the questions you will have during your mandate. You will find in it some relevant information for your Group, your District and your Area, Area 87.

Internal Communications Committee
Internal Communications Committee
3920, Rachel East
Montréal (Québec) H1X 1Z3
