Young People’s Video Project 2022!


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Young People’s Video Project 2022!

Watch the video announcement!

How would you carry the message that would relate to the “young” alcoholic who has yet to come to A.A.?

We want video submissions from A.A. members.  WHY? To carry A.A.’s message to young people in high school, college settings, or any setting.  

Share your experience!  

Submissions should be 2-3 minutes in length and reflect and adhere to the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymously, especially A.A.’s anonymity traditions.  When filming A.A. members make sure no one is identifiable.

Focus on the experience of getting sober young and reflect the diversity of the Fellowship.  Use members stories to help alcoholics identify.  

More information about this project

Deadline for submissions: November 7, 2022

Thank you for your participation!
