Correctional facilities


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The purpose of the Corrections Committee is to coordinate the work of A.A. members and groups interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics behind walls, and to establish methods to ease the transition from the prison center to the A.A. community outside through pre-release contacts. A Corrections Committee can operate within the structure of a General Service Conference Area Committee or an Intergroup/Central Office. As the Fellowship grows, it seems that a committee formed within an A.A. structure is more effective than a single member or group.

Mission and role of the CD Committee

The purpose of the CD Committee is to coordinate the work of AA members and groups interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics behind the walls, and to establish methods of facilitating the inmate’s transition from the prison center to the movement. of AA outside through contacts before release.

The Committee is responsible for :

Readings and resources

The newsletter Sharing Behind the Walls is published four times a year by the Correctional Service and contains extracts from letters from inmates received at the BSG and reproduced with their permission. This newsletter is widely distributed to inmates engaged in AA in correctional centers.

This newsletter may be reproduced and distributed to inmates without express permission from A.A. World Services, Inc.

An illustrated brochure presenting the experience of seven inmates who experienced A.A. in prison. It also contains a list of do’s and don’ts for staying clean after release. The back of the brochure is glued for distribution in detention centers.

A review of experiences on the functioning of A.A. groups in prison, accompanied by opinions of prison authorities recommending A.A. as useful allies.

Information to convey the message in prisons.

302-Vol-51-No-3-2015-06-21 La Vigne derrière les murs.

Join the committee

ref. Guidelines, page 15

A.A. members who wish to carry our message to alcoholics behind the walls of correctional institutions must understand that we always do so by complying with institutional regulations. A.A. members are treated no differently than other volunteers and, therefore, are usually subject to the same regulations. As regulations vary, the Committee will need to inform itself of the specific rules and regulations of each institution where they have a group and meetings, and pass this information on to visiting and messenger A.A. members. To this end, good communication between the people concerned in the correctional institutions and the Committee is essential.


Correctional committees are strongly encouraged to study and understand all the procedures of the institutions with which they collaborate and to share this information with the A.A. members they invite to A.A. meetings inside. The Committee keeps copies of by-laws and forms for A.A. members to consult and learn about this form of service.

Formulaires de consentement

Requis : permis de conduire ou carte d’assurance maladie ou passeport et qu’une fois remplis les usagers peuvent l’envoyer directement au coordonnateur centres de détention.
